Belgium, Europe– The maximum number of individuals who have been admitted to the health care centre because of the variant of the COVID-19 infection, or the number of people getting positive in the hospitals is increasing gradually, but the number of patients in Intensive Care Unit-ICU is still showing downfall in the admissions.
As per the data shared by the Sciensano Public Health Institute on Friday, the average of the 189.1 patients that are suffering from the COVID-19 infection was admitted to the hospitals on a per-day basis from 18 to 24 March, and there is a rise of 14 percent observed since the last week.
These figures depict how many of the individuals have ended up in the hospital by getting affected by the variant of the COVID-19 infection, not the individuals who have been admitted with another health issue and then have been tested positive for the COVID-19 disease.
On Thursday, the maximum number of 2,632 individuals were in hospital in Belgium due to the Coronavirus infection, over 35 on Wednesday.
However, the number of individuals are getting treated in the ICU decreased by three to 168 from around 300 one month ago.
The figures cover all of the people that have been tested positive for the COVID-19 infection, including the people who were first admitted with different conditions.
Furthermore, the maximum number of PCR tests taken on per day on a similar day has been inclined by 6 percent to 37,400. The people who tested positive have been reported as 29.5 percent, more than around three out of ten tests that have positive results.