Travelers from the entire globe will soon be able to get access to Greece without following any additional rules and regulations as the authorities have made the plan to relax all of the restriction that was made for the protection against the COVID-19 from May 2.
The Minister of Health of Greece named, Thanos Plevris, declared the decision to drop entry rules and regulations. He mentioned that from the beginning of May 2, no entry rules would be applicable for the coming travelers.
As per the Minister, all the travelers, regardless of their nation of origin, will be free from the need to show a valid vaccination, recovery, or test certificate at the time of their arrival.
Additionally, it has been cited that domestic COVID-19 restrictions will also be lifted. This indicates that all the travelers will be allowed entry to bars, cafes, restaurants and other events without being needed to hold a valid COVId-19 proof.
The decision of Greece to relax the entry rules and regulations has been taken as the summer season is just around the corner.
Meanwhile, it has been noted that the entry restrictions might get re-introduced again by the end of September.
Greece has already relaxed the need to complete the Passenger Locator Form. From the beginning of March 15, all the travelers, regardless of their nation of origin, have been allowed entry to people travelling to Greece even if they do not hold this form.
Along with this, till the time, when the entry rules get officially removed, the travelers will have constantly follow the entry restrictions.
At this point in time, the nation still needs the travelers to show a valid vaccination, recovery or test certificate.
Furthermore, at the time of arrival, a vaccination pass will be marked as valid as long as it will include that the traveler has completed the primary vaccination.