Belgium: A tour guide in Singapore- Tour Guide Pam shared her beautiful experience on Belgium. Calling it as the largest hub for great museums, mansions, chapels and palaces, it is said that Belgium is home to royal things.
Belgium is known for it’s outstanding beauty. Pam Goes Travelling highlighted that she took a day trip to Bruges, the UNESCO Heritage site in Belgium. It was only half hour away by train from Ghent.
Tour Guide Pam mentioned, at the time when she arrived, and went straight into the breakfast place to eat something as she was hungry before she took a boat ride around the river to get the know as well as see the city.
Afterwards, she wanted to check out the oldest pub in Bruges but unfortunately it was closed for an autumn break, but it was alright because she walked into a neighbourhood and spent some time exploring it.
After lunch, she made it barely just in time for my brewery tour of @dehalvemaanrijswijk, the 6 generations family-owned brewery, the one and only in the heart of the city. Basically the tour comes with a beer at the end.
Then it started raining hard, popped into a chocolate shop because you can’t come to Belgium and not eat the chocolates. Got a bag of chocolates before I hopped onto the train back to Ghent.
Met a fellow Singaporean who is studying UK in the hostel. It was nice to be able to speak and hear Singlish after a long while.
She did not have to do research for a city “I will be heading to because he just came from the city and yes,” she was leeching on all the information which was bloody awesome because sometimes she find it so tiring to be doing her own research at night.
“Oh, one more thing, I believed I found my favourite beer in Belgium!”