The change in the climate has played havoc with the traditional methods of winemaking as well as has been observed that production in Belgium has increased fourfold in the previous ten years. The change in the weather now makes the nation a genuine wine country.
The chairman of the non-profit organization Belgian Wine Growers mentioned during an interview, “Today we have more hours of sunshine as compared in the past. As a result, the grapes are of higher quality, and winegrowers can make different types of wine.”
Moreover, the increase in the temperatures as well as more sunshine has resulted in a better quality of wine, boosting both the demand and production.
Approximately 229,000 liters of wine were made in Belgium in 2012. In 2021, that figured the shoot up to 1,350,000, with the vineyards in the nation now occupying 695 hectares, up from 153 in 2012.
Along with this, the majority of the wine that has been produced is put on sale on the domestic market, but the Waes has noticed the boost in the interest in wine that has been made in traditionally colder nations.
The production of wine moves towards the north, and the condition in southern Europe are becoming problematic. Wales has explained in the statement, “The heat makes it difficult in Spain and the south of France to grow grapes in a normal way. High temperatures result in a sugar explosion and alcohol percentages of 15 or 16%.”
“There are techniques to reduce that percentage, but that also lowers the quality. You often get heavy, plump wines.”
Meanwhile, the nation has its own challenges when it comes to creating wine. Waes asserted, “We are confronted with extremes. For the previous five years, we have been plagued by spring frosts almost every year. That was not the case before.”
In spite of the fluctuations in the severe weather conditions, the winemakers have not been put off as well as the maximum number the wines that have been produced keeps increasing on an everyday basis.