France has crossed the mark of 300,000 per day COVID-19 cases breaking the record of the previously reported case on Tuesday, which was 2,71,686. As per the official figures provided, 32,000 new infections have been reported.
France reports:
It is the first time that french cases have been soared at this pace. According to the sources, there are 2,483 people infected from the COVID-19 and were admitted to the hospital on Wednesday. Three hundred ninety-six infected individuals are in the ICU-Intensive Care Unit.
Oliver Veran, the Health Minister, shared the figures with the parliament, and the official statistics have been published of 332,252. On a debate, the minister had a word in which he mentioned changing the current health pass, which includes the proof of the vaccination or a negative test as well as recent recovery.
The vaccine pass is the only way to be completely vaccinated, and it is proof of it. Veran mentioned that over 66,000 people in France had completed their booster shots on Wednesday.
The health minister said He doesn’t believe in coincidence. There was a pro-vaccination campaign by the government, but still, there is a rise in the cases of infected people.
It also enclosed the remarks of President Emmanuel Macron, who warned that people refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine would have to face dire consequences.
He further said, “The people who are not fully vaccinated, I just want to piss them off.”
There are a total of 124,563 deaths in France due to COVID-19.
Meanwhile, Health Minister Veran said, “the French people will be completely shielded against the serious forms of COVID-19.”
Around five million people in France are still unvaccinated, with approximately 20% of them are already at stake from getting affected against COVID-19.