For the first time in years, Belgian authorities have reported a significant drop in the amount of cocaine intercepted at the Port of Antwerp. The seizure total for 2024 reached 44.2 tonnes, a marked decrease from the record 121.1 tonnes seized in 2023.
However, experts caution that this decline may not necessarily signal a reduction in the drug trade, as the port remains a key target for Latin American drug cartels.
Kristian Vanderwaeren, administrator general at Belgian Customs, described the decrease as a “historic drop,” but expressed concern over whether significant quantities of drugs may have gone undetected.
He noted that the decrease was mainly due to fewer large seizures, particularly those involving over two tonnes of cocaine.
While customs authorities intercepted 13 large shipments in 2023, only two were intercepted in 2024. Vanderwaeren attributed this shift to criminals adjusting their tactics by shipping smaller quantities, thus spreading their risk.
Despite the reduction in large seizures, the overall trend in Latin America shows an increase in the flow of cocaine destined for Europe, particularly the Port of Antwerp.
Seizures in Latin American countries with Belgium as a final destination increased sharply in 2024, rising from 45 tonnes in 2023 to 81 tonnes—a nearly twofold increase.
The Port of Antwerp remains one of the most important entry points for cocaine into Europe, with various factors contributing to its prominence.
Bob Van den Berghe, Deputy Head of the United Nations Passenger & Cargo Border Team, explained that Antwerp’s status as an economically significant port plays a key role.
The vast volume of containers processed in the port, combined with a sophisticated logistics network including inland ports, railways, and road transport, provides drug traffickers with multiple routes for smuggling their illicit goods into Europe.
Moreover, the quick turnover of containers at Antwerp makes it difficult for customs and police officers to check each shipment thoroughly, further facilitating the entry of illicit cargo.
While other European ports such as Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Le Havre are also important transit points, Antwerp continues to stand out as the primary destination for drugs destined for Europe.
To counter this ongoing challenge, Belgian authorities have ramped up international cooperation, with agreements in place with countries such as Ecuador, Brazil, Panama, and Peru.
Vincent Van Peteghem, the outgoing Federal Minister in charge of Customs, emphasized the importance of continued investment in the fight against drug smuggling, including enhanced technology like mobile container scanners and more specialized training for customs officers.
The UN Border Team’s training initiatives in Latin America are yielding results, with multidisciplinary units in 86 countries, including 24 in Latin America and the Caribbean, seizing a total of 230 tonnes of cocaine in 2024.
Of this, 186 tonnes were destined for Europe, with 81 tonnes earmarked for Antwerp. This increase in seizures suggests that authorities are improving their ability to detect smuggled drugs, though the criminals are also adapting by using more sophisticated techniques.
Vanderwaeren highlighted that drug traffickers are increasingly using chemical processes to hide drugs within legitimate cargo, making detection even more difficult.
Smuggling methods like soaking textiles or cardboard with drugs, or even mixing cocaine with coal, are becoming more common.
These methods require specialized labs to extract the drugs, suggesting that criminals are facing greater challenges but remain highly inventive in their efforts to evade detection.
As the “cat-and-mouse” game between law enforcement and criminal organizations continues, authorities remain committed to adapting and improving their strategies to combat the growing drug trade at the Port of Antwerp.
However, with criminal groups diversifying their smuggling methods, the fight against drug trafficking is far from over.