Since airports and airlines are postponing flights owing to staff shortages, business travelers are increasingly opting to travel on Eurostar’s high-speed trains.
Though just 75% of the 2019 schedule is still in effect, the percentage of business travelers has increased to 70% of pre-pandemic levels. French and American businesses had the fastest growth in business travel between London and Paris. The banking, luxury, and consulting industries are the ones that drive business travel.
Eurostar’s commercial director Franรงois Le Doze mentioned in the statement, “Business travel has resumed faster in 2022 than we expected, especially when you consider that we are still only about three-quarters of our pre-pandemic timetable,”
Le Doze is also hopeful about the fall because September is often a busy month for business travelers.
Businesses are working to lower their carbon footprint as sustainability is becoming more and more important to them, which encourages increased rail use. When it is a practical possibility, more than 20% of Eurostar’s corporate clients will require that their staff members use the train. Additionally, more than half of travelers feel it is now more crucial than it was before the epidemic to travel sustainably.
Le Doze stated, “We are committed to working with the rail industry to optimise our timetables and connections further to make it easier for more passengers to choose the train over plane.”
Eurostar has just introduced a fourth direct train service between London and Amsterdam. A spokesman for Eurostar stated that extra trains could quickly be filled due to the increased demand. Additionally, Eurostar is expanding its services to avoid the airline industry’s current state of disarray.