A recent report has confirmed that Apple has come into a partnership with Hatch, a 5G game streaming service. Following the partnership, Samsung has now launched the Hatch for Samsung app, and it will be available on Galaxy S10 5G. Users can find the app in the Game Launcher, and the app will be available in the smartphone with a one month’s Hatch Premium for free.
The 5G game streaming service app will let the owners of the Galaxy S10 5G play most popular games in the market, including “Hitman GO, Monument Valley, and Angry Birds.” At present, the promotion of the app is only available to the smartphone owners in the US.
5G networks are meant to provide faster speed, and lower latency and both these features are more than enough to take video game streaming to the next level on the mobile devices. Thinking this way, Samsung found that this is the right time to team up with Hatch and formed a partnership with the 5G game streaming service to take its smartphone to the next level.
“Specially designed for 5G networks, Hatch brings immediate responsiveness in video game streaming on mobile devices”, Samsung says.
Our news sources have reported that owners of the Galaxy S10 5G with the Hatch Premium membership will be able to put their hands on more than 100 mobile games on their smartphone. Such a collection of games over the smartphone will be updated on a daily basis, and these games include games from most popular developers in the market. With the Hatch premium membership in hand, users need not download games into their smartphones and nor they have to make in-app or in-game purchases.