We all know that both Apple Music and Spotify are running in competition these days regarding the number of subscribers that both of the music service providers have. Both music streaming services claim they have many millions of subscribers, but a recent report has confirmed that Spotify was the ruler two months ago with 100 million subscribers worldwide.
Earlier, in December 2018, Apple said it has 56 million subscribers. And now, six months later, there are reports that the number of subscribers of the app has increased in an enormous way. Eddy Cue, Apple’s SVP of Services in one of the interviews mentioned that Apple Music had surpassed 60 million users.
The figure came up as 60 million users and not 60 million subscribers because Apple confirmed that the number includes free trialists. So there are no reports regarding how many are the paid users and how many are the free users that are not paying for the app. But from the reports that came in December 2018, we can assure you that there are at least 56 million paid subscribers of the Apple Music app.
Apple, in its latest iOS 13 version, has included the latest improvements to its Music platform Apple Music. With the news and latest features in hand, including time-synced lyrics, Apple is now putting efforts to bring even more subscribers for its platform in the upcoming time period.
The major concern is that whether the speed at which Apple Music is adding new subscribers is up to the mark to beat Spotify, which is the world’s largest music streaming service title. One thing is confirmed that Apple Music has more subscribers in the US than Spotify has in the country and Spotify announced that it has certainly reached to 200 million monthly users in April 2019.