“Apostoli” offers hope and dignity to dozens of refugees and immigrants

The second cycle of the "Vocational Training of Refugees and Immigrants" action organized by "Apostoli", the charitable organization of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, was successfully completed.


The second cycle of the “Vocational Training of Refugees and Immigrants” action organized by “Apostoli”, the charitable organization of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, was successfully completed.

Listening to the constant calls for survival and finding work for those who were forced to leave their countries, “Apostoli” implements the program “Apostoli: Assistance and Training to Vulnerable Communities in Athens” (Apostoli: Assistance and Training to Vulnerable Communities in Athens) with the support and funding of the international humanitarian organization Kerk in Actie of the Netherlands.

The purpose of this initiative is to improve the standard of living of refugees and immigrants and their smooth integration into society and the labour market.

In the two cycles of theoretical and practical training, a total of 47 trainees acquired new technical skills in the fields of catering and hotel services – service and provision of services – and at least half of them have already found work, thus improving their living conditions.

The training was implemented by IEK DELTA and distinguished Chefs and F&B and Housekeeping trainers.

The general director of “Apostoli”, Mr K. Dimtsas, welcomed the completion of the second cycle of the program, underlining its importance for the social and professional rehabilitation of refugees and immigrants in industries and sectors where there is a growing lack of labour force: “The recognized refugees and immigrants seek to integrate harmoniously into the labour market, so as to contribute both to their personal professional and social rehabilitation and to the economic and social well-being of our country.

The “Mission”, for its part, effectively contributes to their integration process, providing them with some necessary supplies, which they are asked to use beneficially for themselves and for our society.”

Taking into account the positive reception, importance and impact of the action, “Apostoli” continues the program and is already accepting new applications for the 3rd cycle that will take place in March and April 2023.