Brussels: Federal Interior Minister of Belgium Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) has made the announcement that the annual salary of police officers will be raised by €2,128.84, before tax, over the upcoming three years.
Earlier this year, they decided to increase public workers’ pay. There were fears among the police unions that officers would not see their wages rise because the Federal Government was looking to save money with their latest budget.
The Federal Interior Minister revealed to MPs present on Wednesday that the earlier agreed yearly increase of €1,000 (before tax) would actually amount to €2,128.84, i.e. a monthly average of €160,18, as it includes year-end bonuses as well as holiday pay.
Along with this, she indicated that the raise would be phased in incrementally, beginning on October 1, 2023, then October 2024, as well as lastly, October 2025, rather than on January 1, 2023.
Verlinden also highlighted that the changes would be made to NAVAP, the police pension plan, in Belgium as the needed age will not stand at 58 years after at least 20 years of service from October 1 onwards.
Furthermore, the same reforms are also prepared for the pensions of those employed in the defence and public transport sectors, as well as judicial.